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Our Mad Star Club is led by young children encouraging and influencing the society to make it a habit to share a part of your life with the lesser privileged ones.  


Choose from any multiples of 100 and pledge to contribute it every month. We encourage you to set up auto debit from your accounts to the MAD2 account to avoid missing a payment. 

MAD Star Club

Join the Tribe

Our Star Club warriors are on a mission to educate and influence people at all levels and stages.

Smile in Red

Become a Member Today!

Be a part of the change. We can together make ‘contributing’ a habit.

You can begin with monthly contributions of as minimum as INR 100/-.

Contributions collectively gathered through MAD STAR CLUB would be used for investing in building self sustenance in the families of our beneficiaries; so they don’t continue depending on charity and donations (words we avoid using).

Educate, Encourage and Engage others to join hands with you in supporting this cause.


Steps to Join

  • Decide on a frequency

  • Fill the form 

  • Set auto pay in your account

  • Choose an amount

  • Steps to Join

  • Contribute consistently

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